Occupational Therapysupported independent living (SIL) assessment
Supported Independent Living is one type of support to help you live in your home. It includes assistance or supervision with daily tasks, such as personal care or cooking meals. It assists you to live as independently as possible, while building your skills. Supported independent living is for individuals with higher support needs, who need some level of assistance at home all the time. Supported Independent Living is best suited to people with a disability who have higher support needs. This means you need a significant amount of help throughout the day, 7 days a week. This includes overnight support. Recommended hours: 15 plus travel (please note this is an approximation and may differ depending on individual factors) Specialist disability accomidation (SDA) assessment
Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) is a range of housing designed for people with extreme functional impairment or very high support needs. SDA dwellings have accessible features to assist residents live more independently and allow other supports to be delivered better or more safely. Recommended hours: 30 hours plus travel (please note this is an approximation and may differ depending on individual factors) Independent living option (ILO) assessment
Independent Living Option (ILO) is a package of supports that lets you choose where and how you live in the way that best suits you. ILO funding does not pay for a house. Using your ILO funding, you can: - explore different ways to live – with friends, family or a host - design a support package to help you live the way you choose There are lots of choices with ILO. You can share your home with friends or housemates or you might live in the home of a host. The purpose of ILO is for you to live in a way that best suits you. Your ILO and the funding you get will be specific to your needs. We consider your preferences, strengths, support needs, informal and community networks when deciding the right ILO funding for you. Recommended hours: 20 hours plus travel (please note this is an approximation and may differ depending on individual factors) Home modifications
Minor home modifications including grab rails, rehanging doors, non-slip surfaces, 6-8 hours are recommended plus travel. Major home modifications: 20 hours is recommended plus travel. (please note this is an approximation and may differ depending on individual factors) Functional assessment
Recommended 6-8 hours plus travel (please note this is an approximation and may differ depending on individual factors) Assistive technology
Mid-cost AT (recliners, standard equipment) 6 hours plus travel is recommended. This included trials and recommendations. Complex or high risk AT (wheelchairs, scooters, beds, hoists) 10-12 hours plus travel is recommended. This includes assessment, AT report writing, equipment trials and liaison with Support Coordinators or Plan Managers. (please note this is an approximation and may differ depending on individual factors) Driving assessment
An Occupational Therapy Driving Assessment may be required for the following:
- Identify need for specialised driver training within a participants plan - Identify need for car modifications - Assess capacity to safely and legally drive - Identify additional training/strategies that would be beneficial that are outside the learners experience - Support a participant work through barriers to achieving their goal of driving (e.g., anxiety) Recommended hours: 6 hours (please note this is an approximation and may differ depending on individual factors) |
PsychologyCognitive assessment (adults - 16+)
Cognitive assessments are standardised assessments administered by a psychologist to assess cognitive strengths and weaknesses in areas of verbal comprehension, non-verbal problem-solving, processing speed and working memory. Step 2 Allied Health currently offers the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS). Recommended hours: 8-12 hours inclusive of initial meet and greet appointment as well as a follow up appointment to discuss results and make further recommendations when required (please note this is an approximation and may differ depending on individual factors). Please note that cognitive assessments provided by Step 2 Allied Health are not for diagnosis purposes. We provide cognitive assessments strictly for intervention development purposes only. Cognitive Assessment (child)
Cognitive assessments are standardised assessments administered by a psychologist to assess cognitive strengths and weaknesses in areas of verbal comprehension, non-verbal problem-solving, processing speed and working memory. Step 2 Allied Health currently offers the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC). Recommended hours: 8-12 hours inclusive of initial meet and greet appointment as well as a follow up appointment to discuss results and make further recommendations when required (please note this is an approximation and may differ depending on individual factors). Please note that cognitive assessments provided by Step 2 Allied Health are not for diagnosis purposes. We provide cognitive assessments strictly for intervention development purposes only. Speech Pathology |
Step 2 Allied Health pricing is inline with the NDIS price guide. Please see link below for details